Monday, April 4, 2011

Taco Night!

Aaaaand we start week two. Seriously, other than the no beer or cheese rule, this is so much easier than I thought it would be (so far).

Tonight was taco night and IT WAS DELICIOUS. Organic ground beef with hot taco seasoning on fresh romaine lettuce with fresh tomatoes, onions, rotel (obviously not fresh...), and a giant bowl of my fresh guacamole. Y'all, it was tasty. It was also a fun time in the kitchen with the roommates. Lots of giggling is involved when the three of us try to cook together.

I've mastered the fine art of scrambled eggs in the cafeteria and I'm finally starting to feel full after eating less. Turns out a week of detoxing will do that to your stomach, which is good because you can only find so many vegetables in the caf. Pinto beans? Um, no. Kidney beans? I'd rather die.

Kicking ass on the elliptical is getting easier, too. Can you run a half marathon on an elliptical? Hmmm. I want to run another half, but we're about to get into summer super hot time and I don't want to be yakking every other mile...perhaps a cooler weather half marathon would be best. Any suggestions? And who wants to run it with me? You know you want to...

Tomorrow evening I will try to master the art of detoxing while dining out. I haven't tried it yet, and I'm not really looking forward to it, but I'll report back. I would try to think of more things to add to this post if I thought I could stay awake any longer. Off to bed for Granny Gibson!

PS - Down 5.5 pounds from last week!

1 comment:

  1. I made this the other night:

    And it was awesomeeee. You should work it into your detox diet--it has lots of flavor. I'm up for the half marathon running! I really would like to be able to do one in the fall/winter...
