Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Holy Alligator, Batman!

Whoa, team. Day 16 has been successfully completed. You know what that means? Two weeks from today we'll be finished! I think I'll eat three pickles to celebrate. Take that, detox.

So day two of swamp water body cleanse led me to the following conclusions:
1. This is a great form of birth control. I never ever ever ever want to be pregnant. Who has time to pee this many times in one day?! Ridiculous. (Sorry, mom. You'll just have to wait for Caleb to give you grandkids.)
2. There's an alligator throwing a dance party in my stomach and/or intestines. The way it feels suggests that it must be straight up electronica/dance music, but there might be a smidge of R&B classic tunes mixed in. He needs to turn his music down because it's causing a disturbance in my life (read: lots of funny looks during an important meeting today). Yeah, okay, so my stomach is growling. Big deal.
3. Only five days left. Thank goodness.

Now that we've crossed the "let's use words that are distasteful in our blog" bridge, I'll give you a brief recap of today's activities and then I will promptly fall asleep.

Breakfast: delicious shake.
Lunch: leftover pasta and a few small pieces of leftover chicken, along with two episodes of 8 Simple Rules for Dating My Teenage Daughter. Total bummer though, because the episodes that were playing today were the episodes in which John Ritter dies. Worst. Day. Ever.
Dinner: a tiny square of chocolate protein bar.

I had a Kingdom Builders meeting at church tonight, so I didn't get home in time to eat anything substantial for dinner. I did remember to drink my tea though, so all in all today was a success. Either I'm really hungry or that alligator is throwing a rave in my stomach, but it's bedtime.

If you're still reading this 16 days in, I commend you. If you aren't still reading this, you won't see all the hateful things I'm about to say about you. Yay! Okay, but really, comment and let me know you're still around. Apparently I'm really needy. :)


  1. John Ritter dies in show too?! Forgot about that. So sad.

    Let the alligator party! He'll go back into hibernation soon enough.

  2. I know! It was such a bummer.

    I hope the alligator is done partying by Memphis in May. Might get awkward? I don't know how he feels about Ke$ha. :)

  3. Hey Rain!!

    I'm sorry I've come late to your blog, but I'm loving it! I'll be here reading, so keep writing (although that might be pretty lame encouragement from me since you only have five days left and you've already been going for 16, but either way, I'm here for you in the final stretch!) I <38958290852 you!!!
