Sunday, March 27, 2011

Operation: Swimsuit

This year's Operation: Swimsuit begins with a 30 day detox. My roommate and I are starting tomorrow. Said detox is gluten, dairy, and sugar free. I'm not sure what will be hardest to give up, but I'm guessing it will be beverages of the adult variety. Oh, and giving up coffee is going to SUCK, but I can deal for a month...right?

Since I never use this blog anyway, I've decided to turn it into a detox journal of sorts. I'm hoping that daily posts will keep me on track and hold me accountable at the same time. Get's going to be awesome.

Groceries have been purchased, the refrigerator and cabinets have been cleaned out, and tomorrow's lunch has already been prepared. Bring it on, detox!

1 comment:

  1. *coughcoughWholeFoodssellsglutenfreebeerCoughCough*
