Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Mexican Pizza? Yes, Please.

Okay, team. SIX DAYS LEFT! That's it. Less than a week. We can totally do this.

This week has been much harder than the last three. I guess it's because I know I'm almost at the end and I'm getting tired of coming up with creative meal ideas. We're still rocking it though. No cheating...yet! (Just kidding, Katy...we're totally not going to cheat...)

The hardest part of the day is lunch. It doesn't matter if I come home or if I brave the cafeteria. Lunch = difficult. I've never been good at planning and/or making lunches. Ever. Maybe I should move back in with my mother?

Today I attempted salmon cakes at lunch. They were pretty good. Some fresh packets of salmon (like the non-canned tuna), lemon juice, red pepper flakes, basil, parsley, sea salt, gluten-free oats, and a few eggs to hold it all together. I cooked them for a few minutes on the stove and then ate them with a green apple. All in all, pretty delicious. I'm going to try a few more for lunch tomorrow. I'll keep you posted!

Tonight we enjoyed another creative, delicious dish: mexican pizza! We made our pizza crust with gluten-free Bisquick and I added some of our lifesaving jalapeno lime salt for extra flavor. Megan browned the organic beef and seasoned it with the seasoning from our solid gold Kroger find: organic taco kits! (A-mazing. Check it out.) Krista cut up a white onion, some green onions, some jalapenos, a fresh banana pepper, black olives, and bell peppers. As our base, we used the organic taco sauce (vinegar free, of course!) and some rotel. Even though we can't have cheese or sour cream, it was delicious! I think it was even better than the regular pizza we made last weekend. It might be part of our mexican fiesta we're preparing for next week's detox party. Which, again, you should all be attending!

After dinner, I headed over to Brian's to play with Grizz for a little bit. I'm on puppy child patrol this week (best babysitter ever), so we played and watched American Idol for a little bit. He's pretty much the cutest thing ever.

I'm really excited about our detox party and our detox celebration dinner the night after. Here's hoping I can make it these last few days. Fingers crossed!

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