Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Grillmaster Flex

Double digits! We're one-third of the way through the ol' detox and we're still rockin' it.

Today was Rock & Roll day in the cafeteria (read: all of the delicious fried foods you want to consume all day every day). Guess what I ate for lunch? I'll give you a hint: it starts with "scrambled" and ends with "eggs." Yeah - you got it - scrambled eggs with veggies, a bowl of corn and black beans, and a bowl of broccoli. Who has two thumbs and won't be clogging these solid gold arteries any time soon? This girl.

This is where my day gets avoid cooking and cleaning the kitchen AGAIN, we decided to grill out at Brian's house and it was possibly the most delicious decision I've ever made. Jalapeno lime pepper, garlic sea salt, regular sea salt, and pepper on some chicken tenders...shazam. It's magic. We also made some grilled corn on the cob with olive oil, salt, and pepper. Yummo!

The best part about grilling out at Brian's (or anyone else's for that matter) is that I don't have to actively participate in the actual grilling. I get to prepare the food, clean up my mess, and wait for deliciousness. Best. Decision. Ever.

After Grillfest 2011, we headed to Hendrix to watch Sassy Gay Friend. He came to campus and did an amazing show. He was absolutely hilarious. If you don't know what I'm talking about, go to YouTube right this second and watch Romeo & Juliet, Hamlet, and Othello. You won't regret it.

Now it's time for some detox tea and an episode of Dexter (obsessed). Krista is cooking dinner tomorrow night and I'm pretty excited about it. Getcha some.

PS - For all of you that are trying to comment and can't, try to choose the anonymous option in the "profile" box and see if that works, but don't forget to tell me who you are!


  1. What you guys grilled sounds pretty amazing!

  2. Sure wish I could have enjoyed the grilling and time with you and Brian!! Miss him so much!! I know he loves to grill!

  3. Aaron - it was delicious! You'll have to come over sometime, for sure.

    Nonie Reeg - it was great! Next time you guys come visit (with cute little Jax!), we'll have to do it again. :)
