Thursday, April 14, 2011

Blueberry Waffles, Y'all.

The past two days have been particularly difficult. Maybe the most difficult since we started this thing. Work has been out of control busy and I forgot to take a lunch yesterday. By the time I got home, I thought for sure I was going to fall over. Turns out swamp water + no food = recipe for disaster. Lesson learned.

Today I made it to lunch, but I still don't think I ate enough. I'm living vicarioiusly through Brian, so I had to pretend that my mushy vegetables tasted like the deliciousness on his tray. When it was coffee and ice cream time, I thought I might jump over the table and fight him for them, but I exercised my willpower and left it alone. Despite my mushy veggies, I got home and I was exhausted. It's a similar feeling to your car running out of bueno. Tomorrow I will eat a spectacular lunch and all will be well.

The swamp water isn't nearly as bad as it was when we first started. We only have three days of body cleanse left and even though I'm definitely ready for this portion of the detox to be over, it isn't that bad. The worst part is the partying alligator in my stomach. Other than that, we're good.

Tonight was breakfast for dinner...again. We're really efficient in the kitchen when it comes to this meal though. Pretty sure we can make it with our eyes closed. Tonight we added blueberries to the waffles and they. were. delicious. So yummy!

For all of you who gave up deliciousness for Lent, you only have a week left! As for this pickle-free diet, only 12 days left! That's practically nothing.

Alumni weekend is this weekend and I'm looking forward to seeing a few good friends who are coming to visit. I even get to cook dinner for my friend Aaron tomorrow to show him how delicious detoxing can be! (Get excited,'s going to be fantastic.)

For now, I'm going to continue watching the Princess and the Frog and then I'm going to go to sleep. It's supposed to storm like a crazy woman tonight, so I plan on sleeping really well. Tomorrow should be our last crazysauce day in the office and I'm pretty excited. I'm definitely ready for a weekend of visiting, sunshine, and relaxing!

1 comment:

  1. I am excited! And if it doesn't fill me up, maybe I'll just be a cheap drunk later haha. And find some food that would disappoint you.
