Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Megamind and Mega Diet

It's WAY past my bedtime (10:29pm), but I'd hate to miss a night of writing down every single detail of my day for the three people that will stumble upon this tomorrow.

Today was much easier than yesterday. Megan made the perfect shake for breakfast (read: one that doesn't look like Polyjuice Potion) and it fought my usual morning hunger until lunch time. I decided that since the cafeteria was serving one of my favorite lunches, I should probably head home to make my own delicious dish. I've reached pro status when it comes to veggie scrambled eggs and chicken cooked with lemon juice and lime juice. Dinner was about the same, so all in all, pretty successful food day.

In other news, kicked ass on the elliptical again and didn't almost fall off this time. Sometimes it's hard to focus on the elliptical when the Cupid Shuffle and/or Macarena start playing on my iPhone. Such is life.

Movie night was a fabulous ending to a pretty good day. Megamind wasn't quite as funny as Despicable Me, but it was good company (Megan, Brian, and Grizzlebutt) and a nice change from my living room.

Hopefully this detox business gets easier every day. I have a feeling that I might not think it's so fab in a week or two, but for now I'm feeling pretty good. I'll let you marinate on all these words of wisdom. You're welcome.

PS - Now that you've read this post, leave me a comment! If you're one of the few people that have read this, let me know! It's super lame to look back at a post and see that there are ZERO comments. Come on, team.

PPS - Brian, I've changed my homepage to the athletics site so now you have to make this one yours until the end of April. Or forever. Your choice, but you totally promised. #win


  1. I'm commenting!!!!! What I really wanted to say is that your scrambled eggs rock! And Despicable Me was better than Megamind. ITS SO FLUFFY!!!!

    Also, I'm not really sure what it means when it wants me to select a profile before I post this so if something weird happens please don't make fun of me.

  2. Rainey Gibson is my hero!

  3. I'm reading, so please keep writing! I am so impressed by your dedication. Also, please feel free to forward me any detox friendly recipes. I would LOVE it.
