things I will do this summer:
- I will move into my new rent house (in 9 days!)
- I will drive to northern Oklahoma to pick up my puppy (he'll be one of the ones in these photos...I'll know exactly which one next week!)
- I will drive to Manhattan, Kansas to visit my best friend in the entire world.
- I will get a tan (I've already been in the pool today!).
- I will run at least three 5k's (first one at 6 a.m. Wednesday morning!).

- I want to learn how to golf.
- I want to become a legit blogger.
- I want to work on my research paper...kind of.
- I want to go to to the beach.
- I want to go to UNC - Chapel Hill to visit another bff.
- I want to create a font!
so there's that. things I will do and things I want to do. now that they're all in nice bullet form, I can actually start to do them...maybe.
off to read my newest Barnes and Noble find: "It's Kind of a Funny Story" by Ned Vizzini.
AWWW!!! Those puppies are SO CUTE!!!